Sunday, February 22, 2015

When 7 Billion users just aren't enough...

It seems like the only thing threatening facebook's user growth is earth's mortality rate.
It also seems that they're not going to let stop them anytime soon from growing even more!

Facebook just released a new feature that allows you to assign another facebook account to control your account after you pass away.

I personally give them a HUGE amount of credit for the creativity. Let this be a lesson to all of us about making the most out of a situation where resources are limited.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Simple nodejs desktop time tracking utility

I recently wrote about Creating desktop applications with nodejs...
Well, I was playing around a little with node-webkit (again!) - It's a nodejs framework for building cross-platform desktop applications. Within a few hours I built a super simple time tracking utility that I needed for quite some time!

I know there are a ton of utilities like this out there already, but all of them have much more features than I want and need, and annoy me too much while using them. This utility does *nothing* but track time. You just add a task and it starts timing it. You can stop and start tasks, and just remove them when you're done.

I'm not that fanatic about time productivity (yet!) that I need history graphs to show me how productive i've been lately. It's actually more for me to see if the tasks I'm working on take as long as I think they should.

So here it is:

All the code is there.
There's also a compiled executable for windows ready inside the 'Installation' folder.
Now that I have a mac I want to compile it for mac too soon.
(I'll also probably be making some UI improvements and maybe adding some more small features in the future, so follow the repository if you're interested.)

And here's a picture of what it looks like :
